
What is SFG20?

SFG20 is the industry standard for building maintenance specification. It is recognised as an essential tool for planned maintenance. It is the benchmark for working standards; providing building owners, managers, contractors, consultants and end users with the tools to keep buildings properly maintained and compliant. SFG20 library of content is made available through a software solution. You can find out more about the SFG20 standard here.

Is SFG20 a FM system such as a CAFM/CMMS/IWMS etc?

SFG20 is not a FM system, SFG20 is a software solution that empowers you to create a legally compliant maintenance plan.

However, we’ve built an API which means that SFG20 can be integrated with any partnered FM system, be that CMMS, CAFM, IWMS etc. 

For more information check out our software integration page. For a list of our Digital Partners, check out our Digital Partner Programme.

What does SFG stand for?

SFG stands for the Services and Facilities Group and the origin of the number 20 is derived from our parent organisation - BESA - who assign numbers to the different standards that they develop. In 1988, BESA launched TR19 which is a standard for the maintenance of duct and kitchen extract cleaning systems. Following that, SFG20 was born and has grown to be the industry standard for building maintenance specification. You can find out more about the SFG20 standard here.

What is the scope of SFG20?

SFG20 is a growing library, providing over 2000 industry maintenance task schedules covering all principal types of heating, cooling and ventilation, installation and plant, and electrical services complete with technical updates and legislative references. You can find out more about our library of content here.

Who updates the SFG20 Standard?

A BESA technical team are responsible for developing and updating technical content. The team regularly review SFG20 maintenance task schedules to continually assess the effects of new legislation, equipment and changes to best practice. A dedicated BESA Service and Facilities executive committee comprising of Directors, Heads of Groups, Senior Management and representatives of other leading practitioners are responsible for ratifying new and updated technical content. Users of our software solution, Facilities-iQ, receive automated update notifications are provided to subscribers, keeping our subscribers informed with regards to latest legislation and best practice – keeping you compliant.

How often is SFG20 updated?

SFG20’s technical consultants continually monitor and review all legislation and best practice to ensure our library of maintenance tasks are up-to-date. Subscribers to Facilities-iQ receive automated update notifications and users can control when to accept the updates.

What is NRM 3?

The rationale behind the RICS New Rules of Measurement (NRM 3) was to be able to integrate the construction cost management with renewals and operation and maintenance, through to end of life. Therefore updating the CIBSE Guide M table is really important to provide the common data classification for overcoming the capital and revenue divide, along with having a massive impact on how buildings can be handed over to be operated and maintained. Also to structure and standardise future condition surveying and inform the forward asset renewal programmes of work. The CIBSE table update 2018, is essential to help future construction projects to be more robustly lifecycle costed (5D and 6D) – by providing the common data classification for enabling effective handover of asset information post construction, and to then effectively operate, maintain and sustain. Based on cross industry collaboration between SFG20, RICS NRM 3 and CIBSE technical teams have updated the economic life expectancy table in CIBSE Guide M (1st edition 2014). The update fully aligns CIBSE reference service life data with SFG20 maintenance codes and to NRM 1 and 3 asset descriptions and coding for building assets and also incorporates additional new SFG20 maintenance task schedules and SFG20 codes from 2014 to 2018.


How do I purchase SFG20?

SFG20 is available on an on-going subscription basis. To purchase, please visit our Contact page and enter your details to submit a purchase enquiry.

How much does SFG20 cost?

The subscription fees vary according to size of business and level of the product purchased. To discuss your requirements further, simply complete a contact us form  and one of our account managers will be in touch.

Are there any discounts available for SFG20?

Yes, BESA members and BESA Affiliate members are entitled to a discount off the subscription cost. Contact us to discuss your requirements.

How quickly will I get access to the system once I subscribe?

Following completion of the necessary paperwork, you will be granted immediate access to SFG20. Contact us to get started today!

Having difficulty downloading XML files in Microsoft Edge?

If you use Microsoft Edge as your browser, you may be aware that currently this does not support the download of xml files. If you wish to carry out an SFG20 xml download, that you can still do this by using an alternative browser such as Google Chrome etc. 


What are the colour-coded criticality ratings?

A colour-coded rating system enables users to visualise the prioritisation of tasks to optimise maintenance. SFG20 task maintenance schedules display the recommended rating based on Legislation, Regulations and Industry Best Practice. Users can customise these schedules according to the ratings within their particular sector/organisation. Red – Statutory/Legal (To ensure legal compliance) Pink – Mandatory - Business Critical (To ensure sector/organisation compliance) Amber – Optimal - (Function Critical and Industry Best Practice) Green – Discretionary (Non-Critical Maintenance) For a full detailed summary for each colour coded criticality rating, please download the document here.

Can SFG20 be integrated with my CAFM/CMMS/IWFM system?

Yes - absolutely! Our Digital Partner Programme is open to FM systems such as CAFM, CMMS, IWFM, which allows SFG20 content to flow seamlessly through an Application Programming Interface (API). This provides end users with an easy way of ensuring they are working to the latest version of the SFG20 standard. Contact Us to find out more

What is a Service Model?

Service Model Administration allows you to create bespoke models and structure them according to your own company requirements. As a subscriber, you can select the schedules you wish to use for your Service and Maintenance Manuals for particular buildings or sets of assets.

Are timings displayed on the maintenance schedules?

Generic ‘Service Timings’ are displayed against each frequency where a frequency applies. These are estimated and could vary dependent on the size, age and/or location of the equipment/building. They are visible to all SFG20 subscribers. Facilities-iQ users can customise task times according to their specific site knowledge.

What is the Unit of Measure (UoM)

Each schedule has a UoM assigned to it which will be one of the following:

  • System - an entire system e.g. 23-05 Gas Extinguishing Systems or 87-27 testing/sampling chilled water
  • Nr (Number) - individual items e.g. 29-01 Heat Exchangers
  • M2(metre squared) - areas e.g. 35-01 Thermal Insulation – Sheet
  • Metre e.g. 35-02 Thermal Insulation – Pipe

The UoM helps you identify whether the service timings on the schedules are applicable per system, per item, per square metre or per linear metre

Are skill sets displayed on the maintenance schedules?

Yes, skill sets are included on schedules to provide guidelines as to the recommended skill set to carry out a task.

Can I create my own schedule?

Yes, providing you have the appropriate subscription type, it is possible to create your own unique custom schedules from scratch.

Are there any specific system requirements to run the SFG20 application?

SFG20 is a web application provided via a connection to the internet and a suitable browser. This document sets out the minimum requirements needed to access the SFG20 application.

Click here for more details on the SFG20 application requirements.

Why can't I log in after a Software Update?

It is likely a caching issue. Caching is controlled on the local computer you are using, not by SFG20 servers or code, so as a user you MUST clear the cache yourselves. If you are unsure as to how to do this then please contact your internal IT support team or search online for instruction on clearing cache.


Who are BESA?

The Building Engineering Services Association (BESA) is the UK’s leading professional body for building and engineering services contractors. BESA represents the interests of firms active in the design, installation, commissioning and maintenance of heating, ventilating, air conditioning and refrigeration products and equipment. The association is leading the sector’s efforts to deliver a more sustainable built environment through technical guidance, training and supporting new ways of working.

Who can join BESA?

BESA membership is open to UK firms engaged in the design, installation, commissioning and/or maintenance of heating, ventilating, refrigeration, air conditioning, ductwork, plumbing, facilities services and energy management systems.

How do I join BESA?

Any company applying for BESA membership must participate in an independent competence assessment prior to being accepted for membership. The BESA membership page gives more details of the joining process and full contact details should you wish to make an enquiry