New Service Model functionality and customer website now live
Service Model subscribers logging into SFG20 from today will notice a new look and feel to their existing service. Redesigned to make it easier for subscribers, routine tasks such as customising schedules have been simplified, and service times are now automatically included.
When an existing Service Model user logs in, they will be offered a virtual tour to give an overview of the new navigation, and with extensive ‘help’ content and the option to have a live demonstration we hope all subscribers will find the migration an easy one.
The service for Customiser Compliance and Core users is also being redeveloped, and exciting changes will be announced for these subscribers shortly.
We have also taken this opportunity to re-launch our customer website, putting in lots of new content such as videos, case studies and an easy-to-use pricing calculator.
Service times now added for Service Model subscribers
Service times are now live for Service Model subscribers with schedules displaying the end-to-end service time to complete the tasks on an individual maintenance schedule.
The inclusion of service times enables more accurate tendering processes, whether you are running the process or responding to a tender invitation.
Service model subscribers can log-in to access this new functionality.
Service times will be rolled out to Customiser Compliance subscribers in the first half of 2015. If any Core subscribers wish to access the service times, just get in touch to discuss subscription options.
Service Model subscribers can now customise service times
The customisable features of SFG20 give subscribers additional control and provide opportunities for cost savings within their business.
From today, service times are also now customisable, giving subscribers an increased ability to tailor maintenance schedules to the needs of their business. This is another step forward in enabling you to control costs, making tender requests and responses more closely aligned to the specific requirements of a particular building or project.
We have also taken the opportunity to increase the searchability of the data held within SFG20 (both core and customised schedules), to make it easier to find for subscribers to find the information they need. It is possible to search and filter data by name, criticality rating and now also by skillset.
Primary users can now set various access rights for different users
SFG20 is continually being enhanced, and the vast majority of these developments are driven by our customers. Subscribers have told us that it would be useful to be able to assign different levels of access to SFG20 within their business to give increased control.
We are pleased to announce that from today, primary users at Customiser Compliance and Service Model level will be able to assign access rights to other users within their organisations. There are 3 levels of access rights available:
- Read Only – users can view schedules, but cannot customise or approve custom schedules
- Customise – where users can view and customise schedules but cannot approve them
- Approve – where users can view, customise schedules and approve them
If you do not currently subscribe at either the Customiser Compliance or Service Model level but would like to access this functionality, please contact us to discuss upgrading.
What to expect from an SFG20 demonstration
To meet a friendly, professional product expert
To have a tailored demonstration focusing on the functionality that will benefit you the most
To spend approximately 30 minutes with a team member and learn how SFG20 can solve your specific challenges
What NOT to expect:
No hard sell!
No monologues!
No lengthy product demonstration!